Design with your Eyes Closed

Close your eyes! Now design. What are you feeling, tasting, smelling, hearing? Nothing? Or worse yet, nothing sensational? You have just ignored a quarter of the world's population with your offering. Focusing on the easy sense, sight, is forgetting that the other four senses are craving attention, give it to them! Don't just think about what something looks like, go deeper! What does it feel like when I slide my hand over a feature wall, or what scents am I greeted with when I enter my room? What distinct sounds form part of the environment that make me think solely of your Safari lodge? What am I tasting? Food is an obvious target, but think further. Can you imagine what a building tastes like? The cool ferrous flavour of steel? Or the cement flavour of concrete? Materials evoke a flavour range as well! Try and cater to all the senses, reinforcing them will create a richer and layered design, it will hit so many more points of interest and leave an indelible mark on your guests memory, triggering return trips. So design with your eyes closed, create experiences a cut above.

jacobus uys

Principal and owner at Black Sable. Jacobus is a enthusiastic architect focusing on the Luxury Lodge space in Africa. He is passionate life- learner who loves sharing his knowledge as much as he can. He is obsessive about learning how to run the studio to the best of his abilities, constantly finding better and newer ways of managing the team, projects and business. He loves drawing, and spends at least 30 minutes every day getting better at this wonderful creative expression

Attractive things work better


Personality Architectural